Startseite   →   Branchenbuch Fohnsdorf   →   ATM Recyclingsystems GmbH
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 47.202553 - lng: 14.695528

ATM Recyclingsystems GmbH


Josef-Ressel-Gasse 8, 8753 Fohnsdorf

03573 275270

03573 27527390

ATM-Recyclingsystems offer a wide range of economical metal recycling solutions. Metal recycling is our and yours success. Briquetting Presses, Baling Presses, Scrap Shears and Cast Iron Breaker fulfil all your requirements and tasks in the scrap yard, recycling industry or in the metal working industry.
We will be happy to give advice. For our customers we provide worldwide spare parts and service support.
Solutions for various raw materials are available: metal chips, grinding sludge, slag compounds, autobody sheet metal, engine blocks, rails, heavy scrap etc.

Maschinen, Service, Anlagen und Apparate Hersteller, Recycling, International, Support, Industrieanlagen Hersteller, Pressen, Global, Metal, Asia, Hydraulische Pressen Hersteller

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