Startseite   →   Branchenbuch Gaming   →   Notar Mag. Edgar Schüssler
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 47.920403 - lng: 15.078751

Notar Mag. Edgar Schüssler


Ötscherlandstr. 36, 3292 Gaming

07485 973110
0664 73858335

07485 973114

If you need a Notary, Notary Public or Public Notary in austria (the terms all mean the same thing), we are here to help. We provide the full range of Public Notary services for private and commercial clients in Austria and internationally. Whatever your document, if it needs to be notarised, or signed in front of a Notary, we can do it! Whatever you need to do, we are here to help you.
We can authenticate or legalise anything, and provide consular legalisation or an apostille, as appropriate. We aim to combine the ancient tradition of notarial legal work with the speed and improvements of modern technology.
This will give you, the client, a quicker, better service.

Notar, Beglaubigung, Erbrecht, Vorsorgevollmacht, Vereine, Familienrecht, Kaufen, Schüssler, Vertrag, Haupt, Haupt und Generalsversammlungen, Erbverzicht und Pflichtteilsverzicht

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