Startseite   →   Branchenbuch Innsbruck   →   Jugendherberge Innsbruck
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 47.274296 - lng: 11.426849

Jugendherberge Innsbruck


Reichenauerstr. 147, 6020 Innsbruck

0512 346179

0512 34617912

Öffnungszeiten: ganzjährig Check-In: 17.00 - 22.00 Uhr Check-Out: 7.00 - 10.00 Uhr Frühstück: 7.00 - 9.00 Uhr Nachtruhe: 22.00 Uhr Empfang geschlossen: 23.00 - 7.00 Uhr

Jugendherberge, Heim, Wandern, Garten, Unterkunft, Kultur, Skifahren, Geschichte, Langlauf, Fun, Style, Spaß, Parkplätze, Air, Seminarräume, Silvester, Studentenheim, Cross Country Skiing, Internetanschluss, Gletscherskifahren, Seminar Room, Air und Style, Mountainbiking
The Youth Hostel Innsbruck is the ideal accommodation for families, groups or single travellers who don't want to spend much money but enjoy the vast leisure program in the olympic city of Innsbruck. Hiking, mountain biking, glacier skiing, enjoy some culture at the Tanzsommer (Dance summer) and during the Festwochen der Alten Musik (Festival of Ancient Music) in summer or in winter snowboarding, skiing, cross country skiing and celebrate New Year's Eve in the mountains - loads of fun are guaranteed! The Youth Hostel is also the perfect starting point for excursions of any kind, like to the Swarosvki Crystal Worlds or the Air & Style Contest.
Fremdsprachige Firmenbeschreibung
The Youth Hostel Innsbruck is the ideal accommodation for families, groups or single travellers who don't want to spend much money but enjoy the vast leisure program in the olympic city of Innsbruck Hiking, mountain biking, glacier skiing, enjoy some culture at the Tanzsommer Dance summer and during the Festwochen der Alten Musik Festival of Ancient Music in summer or in winter snowboarding, skiing, cross country skiing and celebrate New Year's Eve in the mountains loads of fun are guaranteed The Youth Hostel is also the perfect starting point for excursions of any kind, like to the Swarosvki Crystal Worlds or the Air & Style Contest

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