Startseite   →   Branchenbuch Linz   →   Ami Agro Linz Melamin International GmbH
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 48.286682 - lng: 14.322898

Ami Agro Linz Melamin International GmbH


Sankt-Peter-Str. 25, 4020 Linz

(0732) 69140

(0732) 691 43653

Borealis' base chemicals business is divided into four main groups which serve very distinct chemical markets. Our phenol and aromatics unit is based in Porvoo, Finland and are sold mainly to the adhesive, fibre, epoxy resin and polycarbonate industries in northern Europe. Our melamine business is centered in Linz, Austria and serves global woodworking markets. Borealis also provides plant nutrients and fertilizers which are traded under the name LINZERWARE.

Düngemittel, Düngemittel Großhandel, Jobs, Press, Kunststoffwaren Großhandel, Chemische Industrie Hersteller, Media, Chemisch-Technische Produkte Einzelhandel, Chemie Großhandel, Düngemittel Hersteller, Pflanzenschutzmittel Hersteller, Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel Hersteller, Borealis

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