Startseite   →   Branchenbuch Pischelsdorf In Der Steiermark   →   Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 47.166996 - lng: 15.823282

Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH


Schachen 57, 8212 Pischelsdorf In Der Steiermark

03113 5100

03113 510059

As a global supplier of high-tech process technology, the plant is Pischelsdorf, Austria in the heart of the organisation. The company was founded in 1959 and has since then developed a strong team with currently more than 550 skilled employees worldwide.

The Austrian headquarters is one of our three centers of expertise as well as the key sales and service center. The machines are not only produced here, but also developed and tested. At this location we have our main service crew, in addition to the main spare parts stock.

Maschinenbau, Anlagen und Apparate Hersteller, Anlagenbau, Anlagen und Apparate Vertrieb, Walzwerkseinrichtungen, Kabelproduktion

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