Startseite   →   Branchenbuch St. Stefan   →   M. WULZ Anlagenbau GmbH
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 0.000000 - lng: 0.000000

M. WULZ Anlagenbau GmbH


Am Industriepark 19, 9431 St. Stefan

+43 1 205 11 75 000

Anlagen- und Apparatebau, Planung, Fertigung und Errichtung sowie Qualifizierung und Service von Produktionsanlagen der Biotechnologie, Pharma-, Lebensmittel- und Chemie-Industrie.

Anlagenbau, Apparatebau, Lebensmittelindustrie, Planung, Pharmaindustrie, Chemie-Industrie
Flexible solutions. Partner for life. Portfolio BIOTECH | PHARMA | CHEMICAL | FOOD | AGRO
Fremdsprachige Firmenbeschreibung
We want to be the first instance for our clients and future clients in our core discipline. By continuously developing of the company and it´s employees, we are increasingly better able to advise and support the customer throughout the lifecycle of its production facilities. The company's long-term success is assured only by motivated and top-class, trained staff in addition to flexibility, professionalism and conformity in order processing. We are committed to complying with current safety and environmental standards for our own sake as well as that of our customers and our fellow human beings.
Worldwide full-service-solutions for the biotech, pharmaceutical, chemical, food and agrochemical industries

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