Startseite   →   Branchenbuch Villach   →   Lam Research AG
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 46.619389 - lng: 13.835977

Lam Research AG


Sez-Str. 1, 9500 Villach - Lind

04242 2040

04242 204469

Lam Research Corporation has been a major supplier of wafer fabrication equipment and services to the worldwide semiconductor industry for more than 30 years. As the industry transitions from business computer-based applications to feature-rich consumer products, chipmakers are challenged to mass produce highly sophisticated devices. To keep pace and meet demanding production requirements, semiconductor manufacturers will need to invest in highly versatile and reliable wafer fabrication equipment. As the market leader in plasma etch and a leading supplier of single-wafer clean products, Lam Research strives to consistently deliver the technical capability and cost-effective performance our customers require. With corporate headquarters located in Fremont, California, the Company maintains a network of facilities throughout North America, Europe, and Asia to meet the complex and changing needs of its global customer base.

Tcp, Flex, Metal, Clean, Via

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