Startseite   →   Branchenbuch Wien   →   Converteam GmbH (Ausländische Firma)
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 48.267128 - lng: 16.399538

Converteam GmbH (Ausländische Firma)


Ignaz-Köck-Str. 1, 1210 Wien - Floridsdorf

(012) 7070770

(01) 270707718

Worldwide specialist in Power Conversion engineering Converteam provides customized solutions from design only to turnkey systems, installation, commissioning and a full range of services built around motors and generators, drives, automation and process controls for customers operating in four main markets Marine Merchant & Naval, Industry, Oil & Gas and Offshore, Renewables Wind, Wave, Tidal & Solar and traditional Power Generation

Schmuck und Uhren Einzelhandel, Uhren Einzelhandel und Uhrmacher, Juwelier, Motoren und Motorenteile Großhandel, Anlagenbau und Technik

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