Startseite   →   Branchenbuch Wien   →   Enersys GmbH
GPS-Koordinaten: lat: 48.139088 - lng: 16.284578

Enersys GmbH


Dirmhirngasse 110, 1230 Wien - Liesing

01 880060

01 8873282

As a subsidiary of EnerSys, one of the worldwide leading company in industrial batteries, we are close to you and support you with our expertise and capabilities regarding stationary batteries for use in standby power systems for telecommunications, power generation and distribution, UPS systems, emergency lighting etc.

Elektrohaushaltsgeräte Großhandel, Elektronik, Elektrotechnik und Edv Großhandel, Vertrieb, Maschinen, Anlagen und Apparate Großhandel, Varta, Genesis, Ups, Batterien Einzelhandel, Akkumulatoren, Telecom, Batterien und Zubehör, Akkumulatoren Einzelhandel, Sbs, Akkumulatoren Großhandel, Agm

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